Hello just wanted a place to share my feelings.
I know I am blessed and I feel I don’t have reason to be sad but I do feel sad today and disappointed.
Me (F32) and my husband (M32) have two beautiful kids and wish to hopefully have two more at some point. We have been very fortunate to get pregnant our first cycle of trying with both kiddos. I had one miscarriage before my second but it was the same thing pregnant right away and then even after the loss pregnant right when we started trying again.
So this time around I was expecting in December and got pregnant first cycle but then had a miscarriage a week later so I was only 5 weeks along. We tried to squeeze in another before my period but it didn’t stick which we were okay with. So we got back on track and started trying again this past month. Last night I started spotting and today I started my period. I’m so bummed about it but then I feel guilty because I’ve been so blessed and this doesn’t mean we won’t the next cycle.
Anyways I’m just sad and wanted to vent. Hoping the next cycle works.
I know how blessed I’ve been in the past and I empathize for those who struggle.
By - ontaloebaby